At the heart of our hygiene service provision, is the safety and health of its employees who are vital in the growth and profitability of the company. We target zero injuries and fatalities across all our branches. We aim to address important aspects of our business that affect our health and safety performance effectively. These include cultural differences in the areas that we operate and our use of external contractors.
Policy highlights
- Developing and implementing mechanisms for the identification of health and safety and health hazards and the assessment of associate risks with the intention of eliminating such risks or implementing control measures to prevent undue harm, illness or injury to employees at work;
- Complying with all applicable legal requirements and striving to exceed these requirements.
- Develop, implementing and maintaining formal management system and structures to achieve our objectives.
- Prevention of injury and ill health and continual improvement in occupational health and safety management and performance.
- Maintain open and transparent relations with all our stakeholders in respect of occupational health and safety matters, and to actively involve employee representatives in the management of health and safety.
- Periodically review the management system and its objectives to ensure that they adequately reflect our commitment to continually improve our occupational health and safety management systems and performance.
- Communicating the OHS Policy, objectives and targets to all people working for or on behalf of the organization.
- Making available adequate resources required for the establishment, implementation and maintenance of the quality and environmental management system.
- Imparting training and awareness to employees to ensure employees are made aware of their legal obligations in respect of their own health and safety and that of other people in the workplace.